Because you (b)eat it

equestrian sport

Ob Groß oder Klein, Alt oder Jung
Die Kommunikation mit Tieren tut gut und öffnet Herz und Seele
" Die Nähe zu einem Pferd/Tier entspringt niemals dem Wunsch nach Nähe. Die Nähe zu einem Pferd/Tier folgt nur der Nähe zu seinem inneren Selbst" (urspr. Zitat K.F. Hempfling, verändert von S. Müller)

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Senden sie uns ihre Anfrage unter info@weilduesbisst.de
Unsere Arbeit mit den Tieren ist sozialverträglich und für jeden Menschen möglich. An dieser Stelle freuen wir uns über Spenden für die Tiere :)

Our Principles
As an amateur trainer in equestrian sport with a trainer B certificate, with a focus on training young horses in classical riding theory, and as a judge in equestrian sport, I support riders of all ages as well as horses of all ages. The level of training is irrelevant.

Fair training is always based on the current performance level of rider and horse. An experienced and, for example, well-trained horse helps a rather clumsy rider on the right path. It will be a good teacher. Nevertheless, the rider needs the appropriate riding skills to call up the skills of the horse.
However, an experienced and successful rider cannot demand the performance of a high-performance athlete from an inexperienced, little-ridden horse in seconds or days.
The shape of the day is also important. Not every day is the same and should be taken into account in daily work.
Friendly but determined
Our sports and leisure partners the horses are peaceful, friendly and clear creatures. They want the same way they treat us humans.

In terms of horses
The training of riders and horses is not just about performance and dressage or training. Rather, it is about the holistic approach. To see a horse in its surroundings, its food, its fellows, i.e. the way it is kept. The right equipment is just as important. Not everything is the same for every horse. The individual view and listening to the horse as a living being is essential.